We offer portable sawmill services. We work with contractors, developers, farmers, woodworkers, tree service companies, architects and land owners. We welcome yard trees. We can turn your trees into usable lumber.

Hickory serving table #norwoodsawmills #sawmillingnashville #ResponsibleTimber #nashvillebuilders

Floating shelves being sawed

Responsible Timber portable sawmill

Ash and White Oak logs on the mill

From Tree to Wall: Milling Black Walnut for a Stunning Office Accent

Sawmilling Cedar for Bee hives: Turning logs into honey homes!

Sawing 2×8 Red Oak Beams | Portable Sawmill in action

Sawing a short log into a patio piece

Transforming Black Walnut & Cherry Logs into Beautiful Lumber

Responsible Timber sawing on the road

3 sided log @responsibletimber2811

Portable sawmill services @responsibletimber2811

Frequently asked questions about portable sawmill services

Cherry slab we milled from a year ago

Butterfly cut

Portable Sawmill, staging logs

Turning logs into lumber

Black Walnut being sawed into 1x8s.

How to charge for portable sawmill. @responsibletimber2811

Why hire a portable sawmill?